ESTA Conference Athens, Greece, 1-3 June 2014
Limited number of rooms at conference venue Divani Caravel Hotel (5
star). Special deal with the hotel only lasts till 31 March.
Paul Hughes, 10 Meters of Thinking - Professional Moderator
10 meters of thinking will get us started at the conference. With a
visual and oral experience on paper, Paul Hughes will unravel the
meaning of innovation. Through diagrams and storytelling he will analyse
the past, clarify our present and take us through actively creating the
future we want by innovation.
CIT Solutions and Panel Discussion
Our focus on Day 1 of the conference will be CIT solutions and discussion with the audience, moderated by Paul Hughes.
Nokas & ATMs - Kjetil Ellestad
Prosegur services for Banks - Achim Boers
Brink’s Automated cashier positions for major retailers - Patrice Moreau
G4S – Innovations in the Greek cash market - Alistair Fowler-Marson
COOP innovations with Loomis - Anders Jonasson
Security - What works
Day 2 of the conference is about the security successes of our members. Moderating will be Tony Smillie and the speakers are:
Prosegur: Foam in trucks – Achim Boers
Loomis: Fishnet in cash centres – Mikael Hanson
Brink’s: Fog in cash centres - François Lagniez
G4S: Tracking devices in cassettes – Andy Cruikshank
Insurance Panel
This year a panel discussion will be the format for a lively discussion on our insurance issues:
• Why are premiums so high?
• Understanding our business
• Shared Punishment: why does a loss to one operator mean I pay a higher premium?
• Insurance cover: why can every operator - good or bad - obtain terms?
• Physical cash vs non-physical cover
• Cyber cover and cyber exclusions
• Owners fraud exclusions vs reality
Tony Smillie, Chair of ESTA Security Working Group is the moderator, and
underwriters and brokers will be represented on the panel by: Philip
Turner, Neal Watson, Jason Kyd and Joshila Taylor.
New Vision statement for ESTA
ESTA’s Board of Directors decided last month to re-visit the ESTA vision
statement. Our new vision, recently published on the website is this:
ESTA is the European association of Cash Management companies. Our
vision is to be the recognized voice of the industry ensuring that cash
is safe, reliable, available and the most efficient means of payment.
Read more
New Working Group: Communications
A new working group is being created: Communications. The aim of this
group will be to develop a new and pro-active strategy for ESTA’s
communication and image.
ECB News
Card fraud increased in 2012 
• €1 in every €2,635 spent on credit and debit cards was lost to fraud
• There are more fraudulent internet transactions, in line with the strong growth of online sales
• Industry should continue enhancing security features, in particular for online sales
Read more Third report on card fraud, by ECB
Cash in circulation (ECB)
This is the latest information published by the European Central Bank showing cash in circulation.
The total number of Euro banknotes in circulation in 2012 stood at
15,687 million, with a value of €912.6 billion, an increase of 4.9% in
volume and an increase of 2.7% in value since 2011. Between 2012 and the
end of 2013, there was another increase of 5.25% in volume and an
increase of 4.7% in value.
In 2012 the total number of Euro coins in circulation grew to 102,032
million, and their value increased to €23,658 million, an increase of
4.3% and 2.5% respectively since 2011. Comparing 2012 with 2013 there
was an increase of 3.8% in volume and 2.3% in value.
Click on graph to access detailed info on low and high denomination banknotes and coins

Source: European Central Bank
From the Media
Competition for new customers drives growth in European cards market
According to RBR’s report “Payment Cards Issuing and Acquiring Europe
2014”, there was a 20% rise in the number of cards in circulation
between 2008 and 2012 (to reach 1.4 billion) and a 40% increase in
payments over the same period, as consumers used their cards more
frequently for everyday purchases. Central and eastern Europe (CEE)
accounted for two thirds of new cards across the region between 2008 and
2012, with the number of cards in Russia alone doubling to 240 million.
The RBR survey predicts that the European cards market will continue to
grow, even in the face of newer payment methods such as contactless
cards, for several years to come.
Source: RBR,
Commercial cards held back by economic uncertainty
42 million commercial cards were in issue in the 15 largest markets in
Europe at the end of 2012, up 9% since 2010. However, RBR forecasts the
number of cards to rise at a modest 4% per year between 2012 and 2018
due to concerns over employee spending and economic uncertainty.
Debit and prepaid sectors set to grow
Debit and prepaid cards, which currently represent 19% and 1% of the
commercial cards sector respectively, are expected to become more
common, as businesses regard them as a means to reduce costs and control
employee spending.
Asia leads the way as growth in global ATM market accelerates
The number of ATMs installed worldwide increased by more than 180,000
during 2012 to reach 2.6 million at the end of the year. The global
market grew faster in 2012 than in either 2011 or 2010.
Western Europe and North America have both seen slower growth in recent
years as markets in those regions have matured. Source: RBR,
Cross-border payment behaviour of Dutch consumers 2012
A DNB survey shows that the Dutch frequently use their debit cards, also
when abroad. The debit card tends to be the preferred means of payment
at fuelling stations, in supermarkets, for accommodation and for larger
purchases generally. In many other situations, however, cash is still
used most frequently.
Cross-border payment behaviour of Dutch consumers 2012, published by the De Nederlandsche Bank
Cash Management and Payment Choices: A Simulation Model with International Comparisons
Despite various payment innovations, today, cash is still heavily used
to pay for low-value purchases. The De Nederlandsche Bank paper tests
the assumption that cash is still the most efficient payment instrument,
and the idea that people hold cash for precautionary reasons when
facing uncertainty about their future purchases.
Source: De Nederlandsche Bank,
Loss of free banking - banking behaviour changed
In their market research findings from February 2014 ”Banking &
Consumer Behaviour”, the Ireland National Consumer Agency shows that 34%
of current account holders have had their “free” banking withdrawn in
the past 12 months.
The key behavioural changes from losing free banking are: taking out
more cash on each withdrawal (28%), using debit cards less often (25%)
and using credit cards more for routine transactions (13%).
Many thanks to ESTA's exhibitors and sponsors of the 2014 conference in Athens, Greece, 1-3 June.
Conference Organizer: European Security Transport Association, ESTA
www.esta-cash.eu, Rowena Judd: