Key points - Athens Conference 1-3 June 2013
The continuous success of ESTA’s annual conference was proven again in
Athens with more than 220 participants and 40 spouses joining from a
large array of businesses from the cash industry. Innovation was the
focus of this year’s conference, the first under the aegis of ESTA’s new
President, Jarl Dahlfors, CEO Loomis.
Jarl Dahlfors, President of ESTA
In the audience, there were probably a large number of fans of ABBA, the
renowned pop group of the late 70s and 80s, however few had expected
that ABBA would be the focus of Jarl’s introductory note to the
conference, pointing out their MasterCard-sponsored new museum not
allowing for entry ticket to be paid in cash. ABBA would surely take
interest in Jarl’s comments drawn from data of the US Federal Reserve
that consumers of all age groups do use cash more frequently than any
other of payment. Jarl also presented the new vision of ESTA and the
emphasis given on external communication and its role in being the voice
of the cash industry, focused on cash solutions and management, not
just transport.
EU Affairs
The topic was covered by two presentations of the ECB and the European
Commission. Ton Roos, Director Banknotes at the ECB, informed the
audience of developments in three areas of work of the ECB: the CIT/CMC
study, the work towards greater convergence between NCB cash services
and the IBNS study. Concerning the CIT/CMC study, he invited companies
to participate in the work and to respond to interview requests so as to
provide the most accurate understanding of the functioning and business
environment of the cash industry.
Rüdiger Voss, head of section Euro cash and legal issues in the European
Commission, covered the forthcoming revision of the CIT regulation,
which should be launched in 2016. Of particular interest are the very
few number of cross-border licenses requested so far (12 in 5 Member
states – half of which are from Germany) since the entry into force of
the Regulation. The reasons for this are various and range from natural
limitations (such as language, unwillingness to use cross border
services, fragmented legal systems etc.) to obstacles such as rules on
fire arms or armoured vehicles. Social/labour environment is also
responsible in his view for the limited development of cross border
provision of services.
The second topic concerned the use of cash and the current debates going
on at EU level on whether hard law is needed for ensuring legal tender
of cash, issues pertaining to small cash (rounding up, 1 and 2 cents
coins) and high denominations. The Commission also showed some interest
in existing limits on cash payments imposed by a number of Member
States, ranging from €1,000 to €15,000.
This was this year’s theme of the annual conference. The first session
of the conference was initiated by Paul Hughes and his “10 meters of
thinking”, an invitation to think outside the box and to do things
differently. Whether participants liked it (most of them) or not (as a
few said), the presentation did not leave anyone in the audience
Concrete illustrations of innovation in the industry were showcased
during the conference. Kjetil Ellestad presented Nokas’ ATMs network
which it operates both with its own ATMs and those of banks and
highlighted the company’s value proposition for banks, customers and
Nokas & its partners. Achim Boers, from Prosegur, presented the
outsourcing solutions offered by multi-agency for banks and retailers.
Patrice Moreau, from Brink’s, developed new automation processes
allowing substantial optimisation of the cash processes, reduction of
risks and of costs. Alistair Fowler-Marson took the conference through a
case study where a tobacco company had to comprehensively re-engineer
its retailers’ network in Greece while improving efficiency, security
and cash flow. Finally, Anders Jonasson of COOP explained how the high
level of robbery affecting their retailers could be efficiently
addressed together with Loomis through closed checkout systems and their
ability to amortise the investment over a three year timeframe.
Attacks and loss report
Last year’s downward trend for robberies in our industry was confirmed
during this year’s presentation of Tony Smillie, who shared good news,
the first being the sharp reduction of the number of attacks (-25%) and
the commensurate decrease of the loss (including of average loss)
resulting from these attacks. Also of note in the increasing number of
failed attacks.
Insurance panel
An insurance panel was organised between brokers and underwriters with
Neil Watson (Willis), James McNaughton (Ascot), Jason Kyd (GAIC) and
Philip Turner (Marsh) sharing the floor. Topics of a lively debate
focused on the level of risk and how it was reflected in the level of
premiums – the good news being that the reduction of losses should be
reflected in future premiums. Whilst the insurance sector is very
competitive, the level of premiums offered by all companies also reflect
the losses suffered by a few in the light of keeping a balanced system
(though underwriters were keen to emphasise that recovery of loss for
each individual company would take place over a number of years). Also
of interest to the audience was the discussion over exclusions from
coverage (e.g. cyber exclusion, infidelity risk etc.) where brokers
advised to pay attention to the wording of the exclusion clauses in
contracts; they also advised checking with them for alternative
language for these exclusions which they can provide and to keep in mind
that exclusion of specific risks should be reflected in the reduction
of premiums, notably for risk such as owner’s fraud.
What works: cash management solutions
The last session of the conference was devoted to reviewing proven
technologies and developments of relevance to the industry. Andrzej
Momot (Prosegur) talked about the technology of foam in trucks, a
combination of chemicals being flooded in the van in case of attack and
creating a thick and rapidly solidifying foam, the aim of which is to
increase substantially the time needed for criminals to access the cash.
Mikael Hanson (Loomis) explained the development of fishnet in cash
centres to reduce the effectiveness of the use of explosives to access
the premises. Brink’s François Lagniez showed how the development of fog
and strobes in cash centres can be an effective protection against
attacks. Finally, Andy Cruickshank, G4S, spoke about the effectiveness
of tracking devices in protection boxes and how it increases the chances
of being caught for criminals whilst reducing the amount of loss.
The presentations delivered at this conference are available at
ESTA web site
ECB News
Cash in circulation (ECB)
This is the latest information published by the European Central Bank showing cash in circulation.
The total number of Euro banknotes in circulation at the end of May 2014
stood at 16,275 million, with a value of €957.7 billion, a drop of 1.3%
in volume and a slight increase of 0.1% in value since Q4 2013, whereas
between Q3 2013 and the end of Q4 2013, there was an important increase
of 5.5% in volume and a 4% in value.
End of May this year the total number of Euro coins in circulation grew
to 107,716 million, with a value of €24,379 million, an increase of 1.6%
and 0.7% respectively since Q4 2013. Comparing Q3 with Q4 in 2013 there
was a slight increase of 0.9% in volume and a 0.9% in value.
Click on graph to access detailed info on low and high denomination banknotes and coins.
Source: ECB webiste
The European Parliament elections
The new Parliament was elected on 22-25 June 2014. The 8th term of the
European Parliament now counts 751 Members of the European Parliament
(MEPs), compared to 766 outgoing MEPs, from 28 Member States. As in the
previous House, the Conservative group (EPP) is the largest group with
221 members, followed by the Socialists (S&D, 191 Members)*,
although the share of the EPP group has reduced from 36% to 29.5% and
the S&D group remaining stable at 25.4%. Of interest in the new
Parliament is the large number of Europhobic/Eurosceptic MEPs – around
180 MEPs in total, of which a larger number of them belonging to far
right parties MEPs than ever before: the question of whether the latter
will be able to join forces and form a political group is still pending:
whilst the minimum number of MEPs required (25) is undoubtedly going to
be met, Marine Le Pen was still struggling to find a minimum of 7
nationalities needed for a political group. Forming a political group
provides MEPs much more power and influence than if they remain as
non-affiliated (NA). As things stand at the time of writing the
Newsletter, it was not clear whether the ALDE (liberals) or the ECR
(eurosceptics) were the third largest group: the ranking of groups is
also important as it determines speaking time for each political group.
The next step will be for the EP to elect its President during the first
session in July: it is expected that the German Socialist Martin
Schultz will not be re-appointed (he is candidate to succeed José Manuel
Barroso as president of the Commission) and that a Conservative will
take over (according to an unwritten rule that Conservatives and
Socialists alternatively share the EP presidency for half terms).
The other important task of the EP will be to vote in the new
President-elect of the Commission proposed by the European Council. The
absolute majority (376 votes) is required and it is not yet clear
whether the EPP group will be able to find a majority to support their
candidate. The outcome is very uncertain since the EPP candidate, the
former head of the Euro Group Jean-Claude Junker, is fiercely opposed by
the UK (although unanimity in the Council is no longer required for the
appointment of the President-elect), the votes of whom may be
critically missing in the EP. Considering the outcome of the elections,
it will be very challenging to find any absolute majority which would
not include the two main groups, the EPP and the S&D: the final vote
on the president should therefore be the outcome of some consensus.
* Note that the effective numbers of MEPs in
each EP political group is based on assumptions on where MEPs of
specific national parties will want to seat.
ESTA’s Secretary General
Jarl Dahlfors, President of ESTA, announced during the Gala Dinner that
Francis Ravez, current Secretary General of ESTA would be stepping down
after ten years at his post. His replacement will be Thierry Lebeaux,
who started his career in the European Commission (where he worked for
seven years ) and who worked for more than 20 years as a consultant and
corporate public affairs practitioner. The hand over will take place
over the next couple of months and Francis will remain with us,
gradually stepping down at the next Annual Conference in Germany.
New Members
Our new ESTA members for this year are:
• New adherent members : CTS (Italy), Inter-Hannover (Sweden)
• New Effective member: Konsalnet (Romania)
ESTA conference 2015
Next year's conference will be held in Germany (either Berlin or Munich) on May 31st to June 2nd 2015. Pencil in the date!
Wishing you, and all your teams, a sunny and enjoyable summer.